We are living in a different world at the moment with new restrictions being put in place it seems every day. We are being forced to work in different and novel ways, sometimes finding that the technology doesn't support us or work all that well. In the middle of this I have started on my research and have last week conducted the first 3 interviews. Amidst the background of an evolving pandemic, it sits in perspective as perhaps not the most important activity at the moment, although in my discussion with one of my supervisors this morning, it is imperative to continue with teaching and enabling more prescribers, the NHS needs them now more than at any other time, so even though interviewing people about their perceptions of role identity may not seem important, it does and will have a role within the bigger picture.
Already people are sharing interesting ideas in my interviews and I am excited at what may lay ahead. In the meantime like other colleagues in the NHS, I am volunteering my skills as and where they are needed. STAY AT HOME people and stay well!